Chester County Sports Officials Organization

CCSOO is an officials’ organization that provides referees and umpires for Southeastern Pennsylvania regional sport organizations and schools. We are dedicated to supplying the best officials possible by providing continuing education, training sessions and enrichment through regular chapter meetings.   

If you are interested in becoming a referee or if you are in need of referees to cover your games, click on the button to right.

Link to Arbiter Sports

*This is now the official site of CCSOO. website is defunct.

CCSOO Board of Directors

Presiding Officer

President of sport that is in season.

Remaining Members

Tim Kemmler (Soccer)

David Duncan (Basketball)

John Cashman (Baseball)

Bob Wilson

Bob Gottschall


Next Board of Directors Meeting:

October 22, 2024 6:30PM
Sabatino’s Grill
901 Boot Rd, West Chester

December 5, 2024 6:30 PM
Location: 544 Franklin Way
West Chester, Pa. 19380

The CCSOO system depends on several things:

  1. The schedule is put in correctly and is checked by all, coaches/referees/administrator DAILY.
  2. When an assignment is made, the referee immediately either approves or turns it back so that another assignment can be made if necessary. The name(s) of the referee will not appear on the site until he/they officially accept(s) the game.
  3. The coach calls the referee at least 48 hours before game time on the phone number(s) listed on the game page to verify that everyone is on the same page with the date/time/location.
  4. If weather or other reasons prevent the playing of the game, the coach should immediately call the referee back at the phone(s) listed and tell him of the cancellation. This MUST be done at least 90 minutes prior to game time to prevent the umpire from driving to the site. If no call is made and the umpire does arrive at the site with no game to officiate, he shall be paid 1⁄2 of the game fee for travel expenses. This includes everyone arriving and the weather still preventing playing due to field conditions. If one pitch is thrown or the tip off occurs, the official(s) shall receive full game fee(s).
  5. If the game is postponed due to weather or other reasons, the official remains assigned to the game unless he turns back the make-up date due to other obligations/games. Another referee would then be assigned.
  6. When the schedule is made up, it is incumbent on the coaches to check their schedules against field trips, religious events, or personal problems so that there are no surprises later.
  7. The coaches and referees should not depend on the administrator to relay game changes or cancellations. The coach has the authority to go into the game page and cancel his game which automatically sends out an e-mail to the referee. But the coach MUST still call the referee to cancel. If cancelled within a week of the game, the administrator must make the change.
  8. The coach should not rely on the game page to tell him the fee. The fees are listed under Game Fees/Times on the CCSOO Site (
  9. The referee MUST keep his availability page up-to-date every time there is a change so that the administrator doesn’t assign him to a date he is already closed for.
  10. The fee is to be paid to the referee when the coaches/captains are called to go over the ground rules at the beginning of the game.